today is father's day and
i'm a lucky girl. i still get to enjoy the company of my dad. he's always been the best dad he could be. i love his sarcastic sense of humor, and for those of you who know me, know this nut didn't fall far from that tree. he's always been such a great provider and while life was never built on extravagance, you most certainly never lacked for anything. my dad was such a hard worker and i always loved to smell the saw dust when he'd come home after a day at work. to this day when i smell saw dust it just reminds me of my dad. another thing that my dad possesses that i love is you can see the light in his eye when he looks at my mom and i love that about a man. there really isn't much, except for perhaps the innocence of a child, that tops seeing the love in a man's eye.
i'm so lucky, too, because i get to see that look when my dad sees me, too. no matter how old i get i always know
i'm my daddy's little girl. so what a blessing it is for me to say "happy father's day, dad".