there is a text inspired skinny swap that a friend of mine is hosting. i wasn't quite sure what i wanted to do for it and as usual, when i sit down at my art desk, i never have a clue what i'll do. on my art desk i always have a white sheet of paper to work directly on which also in turn protects my craft sheet. i love when i get marks, paint, glue, etc on it because i love to use it in my art when it gets really messy. so when i sat down all that mess just called to me and even tho there were still some bare spots on it i used acrylic paints to paint over it and then i cut it up into my 3 x 5 pieces. i had a few text stamps i had pulled off the shelf earlier but when i saw the paper i just felt like i wanted to do a bird. so i grabbed my bird text and stamped it, then i stamped the bird and i created the bird cage around that text block so it would look like the bottom of the bird cage. it's hard to see but i sewed the bird cage bars all with gold thread. i used a punch at the bottom to replicate a piece of paper being ripped out of a book.