Wednesday, November 12, 2008

making time for art

my life has been so busy lately that i've had little time to sit down and really create something.
i don't like when that happens. art is like therapy for me. it calms me, helps me to be an altered time zone and lets me be free of any responsibilities. that is good for my soul. today i had a small amount time that i made a postcard. it didn't take too long..but the colors made me happy.


  1. I love the colors, and as usual, love everything you create!

  2. Oh YES....what great colors! Another beauty!

  3. They make me happy, too, Roc, but your stuff ALWAYS does. I've been in exactly the same place as you artisitically for the last week and yesterday I was so grumpy! But I've made 3 journal pages in 2 days and am working on another, so I think I'm back in the groove, and I feel good again. Thank heavens!
