Saturday, October 15, 2011

another journal cover

here is another journal cover from a journal i just completed in that non-traditional binding method i've been experimenting with the past month. i am compiling a little mound of these journals in all sorts of sizes. i am thinking about listing some of them on etsy. stay tuned.


  1. Wonderful, of course! You've been BUSY!!! :)

  2. This is a beautiful cover and selling on Etsy would be wonderful!

  3. I would also be interested in buying some... I would also appreciate it if you could tell us a little more about your special binding... Even if I know how you do it still does not make me a prolific book binder and even if I try to make some myself, and enjoy doing it, I still buy books to journal in... so if there is any chance on a bit of knowledge, I would say bring it on... ;o)))
    I will have a go at the tape binding like Dawn Sokol does this afternoon. ;o)) Do let us know when you post some on etsy!

  4. Oooh! I am lovin these, and am excited to see some of them in your etsy shop! Kath

  5. She writes out loud. I love that, it speaks to me.
    Love to see them on etsy.
