happy new year's everyone. it's going to be a fantastic year. i just know it. god always takes us exactly where we are suppose to go, even if sometimes we don't feel willing or able.
this year my planner is a bible-themed planner. i have it all set up and ready to go, and i've already started writing my day in it.
i'd like to share it with you and perhaps you may feel motivated to follow along with your own version of a planner. i'm using a heidi swapp planner i bought last year on sale at michaels. i was working in it all along the last half of 2015 to get it ready for today.
each month i'm using a word and all scriptures on my pages will be in spirit with that word. as the year unfolds the words will progress from "seek" to "salvation". i hope you'll follow along to see just what those words are for each month.
january's word is seek.
this is the right side of the month-at-a-glance section |
this is a close up of part of my january tabbed month divider | | |
i can place family photos in this area, of make tiny scrapbook inserts in the plastic pouches | |
this is opening scripture verse fitting for the start of the new year |
i have changed the purpose of this index. i have made it a gratitude card. at the end of every day i will record one thing i am grateful for.
this is the start of my first weekly page |
i will be using the bottom areas to write scripture relating to my monthly word. as you can see i've already got a couple filled in.
i hope you'll follow along and this year and be inspired by god's word. i know i'm very excited about it!